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All you need to know about scalp psoriasis

All you need to know about scalp psoriasis

It can be difficult at times to identify between dandruff and scalp psoriasis as the symptoms of both are similar and involve an itchy scalp and white flakes of dead skin cells. But here’s the thing about scalp psoriasis. It is a genetic and contagious skin disorder of the immune system.
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An overview of Atrial Fibrillation

An overview of Atrial Fibrillation

Almost 2.7 million Americans live with Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), yet most are not aware of how serious the issue is or that they even suffer from something with such a name. Hence, it is essential to raise awareness about this condition so that people can take steps before they are affected with fatal heart problems.
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Add versatility to your decor with slipcovers

Add versatility to your decor with slipcovers

You never know how wonderful slipcovers can be for your sofa unless you get one. When customized, it can perfectly fit on sofas or chairs, giving them a majestic look. They do not just protect the sofa fabric from dust, grime, or stains, but can be a delightful addition to the interior as well.
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A modern home security firm

A modern home security firm

The security of one’s home and family is possibly the most important thing a home owner and a head of a family can think about, as we live in an age where we find ourselves living alongside negative elements that arise from individuals who have the unimaginable wish to harm others.
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All you ever wanted to know about BT broadband

All you ever wanted to know about BT broadband

Have you recently been considering getting BT broadband for your home or business? It is one of the finest internet service providers in the West, known for their exciting offers and deals at a reasonable price. But before you invest in any of the service programs, there are many things which you need to know.
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A guide to choose blinds

A guide to choose blinds

If you want to buy blinds for your windows, then it can be an overwhelming task. You might have multiple questions in your mind Where should you buy the blinds from? Should you buy from an online store or a local shop? How will go with the rest of the decor?
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