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5 Ways to Treat Plaque Psoriasis at Home

5 Ways to Treat Plaque Psoriasis at Home

Plaque psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by red and scaly patches appearing on the skin, especially on elbows, knees, and nails. In plaque psoriasis, too many skin cells are formed which causes these cells to accumulate on the skin surface. According to an estimate by an institute related to skin diseases, about 6.7 million citizens are affected with plaque psoriasis.
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4 Stages of Congestive Heart Failure and their Treatments

4 Stages of Congestive Heart Failure and their Treatments

When the normal pumping power of the heart is affected, the condition is called congestive heart failure. This condition is generally observed in people with weak heart muscles or people with certain defects that prevent their heart from circulating blood normally. CHF or congestive heart failure decreases the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body.
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5 Easy Methods to Treat Bruises

5 Easy Methods to Treat Bruises

A bruise or contusion appears when tiny blood vessels get damaged or break due to injury. It is a medical condition where blood from the damaged vessels remains accumulated beneath the epidermal layer. The skin becomes discolored and leaves a bluish or blackish mark. You can get a bruise when you bump into hard objects, during rigorous exercise, while playing body contact games or due to bleeding disorders.
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5 Warning Signs of Liver Damage

5 Warning Signs of Liver Damage

Are you aware of the fact that every time you take an antibiotic or a painkiller, it adversely affects the liver? In most cases, problems in the liver occur due to erratic lifestyle, wrong food habits, and uninhibited use of medicines. The liver is the largest organ in the body and it helps in digesting food and removing toxins.
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5 Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

5 Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that particularly does not have a permanent cure. However, proper medications under the guidance of a medical expert may improve the Parkinson’s symptoms a bit. Here is a list of 5 early signs of this condition: Shaking and Tremors Are you experiencing tremors or slight shaking in the hand, thumb, finger or chin even while you are at rest?
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6 Best Models to Buy from Shark Vacuum

6 Best Models to Buy from Shark Vacuum

Shark is one of the best brands of vacuums; they manufacture vacuums for both hard floors as well as carpet. Shark vacuum comes with cords as well as being cordless. Here are the general model types of Shark Vacuums: Upright life away vacuums are unique vacuums and they allow easy cleaning of small spaces and stairs with a regular vacuum.
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