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Diarrhea And Helpful Foods

Diarrhea And Helpful Foods

Diarrhea and helpful foods Diarrhea, everyone has it once in a while, and should get it also, however uncomfortable they may be. Diarrhea is a normal process of the body to eliminate toxins and gut invaders from the body. The increased mobility of the intestines and fluids helps the body to push parasites, bacteria, viruses, and the toxins they secrete.
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How To Treat Dry Cough

How To Treat Dry Cough

How to treat dry cough Dry coughing is the most irritable uncomely sickness, which differs from coughing in that it does not release any mucus or phlegm. The sensations faced by the throat during dry coughs are uneasy constrictions of the esophagus and the constant tiny pain that comes with a parched throat.
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10 Signs And Symptoms Of Eye Problems

10 Signs And Symptoms Of Eye Problems

10 signs and symptoms of eye problems Everyone must have had experienced eye problems at some point in their life. Short and long sight-sightedness is very common among people. You may also know them as myopia and hyperopia. The 21st century has seen a great development in science and technology.
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Herpes – Types And Preventive Measures

Herpes – Types And Preventive Measures

Herpes – Types and preventive measures Herpes is an infection caused by herpes simplex virus. It is a fairly common virus that remains in the body. The external genitalia, anal region, mucosal surfaces and skin in other parts of the body are affected by this virus. It is often possible that people may not have symptoms even when they are carriers of the virus.
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Diet For Managing High Cholesterol Levels

Diet For Managing High Cholesterol Levels

Diet for managing high cholesterol levels If you eat too much of saturated fat, it will increase your blood cholesterol, which in turn will increase the risk of heart attack. Researchers have shown that if you cut down the amount of saturated fat in your diet and replace it with foods containing more unsaturated fat, your cholesterol levels may improve.
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Here Are Popular High Cholesterol Treatment Options

Here Are Popular High Cholesterol Treatment Options

Here are popular high cholesterol treatment options Hypercholesterolemia, commonly known as high cholesterol, means there are unwanted high levels of cholesterol in the blood stream that leads to the building up of plaque on the artery walls. High cholesterol treatment lowers LDL levels, which can be achieved either by following natural cholesterol remedies, lifestyle changes, or when necessary, with the use of medications.
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