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10 Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C

10 Common Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a kind of infection that’s caused by a hepatitis C virus that normally attacks the liver. This condition usually progresses slowly and shows a few symptoms or signs for decades. This is the reason most cases of this disease go undiagnosed for many years. In most cases, this condition is discovered when someone is undergoing a routine checkup or when they try to give blood and it’s screened for hepatitis C virus.
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Kegel Exercises for Men and Their Benefits

Kegel Exercises for Men and Their Benefits

Exercise is essential to stay fit and maintain proper body functionality. Kegel exercises are necessary for several reasons. It is not limited to just women, men can also benefit from Kegel exercisies. Kegel for men can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles considerably. This helps in supporting bladder and bowel movement.
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12 Symptoms of Adult ADHD

12 Symptoms of Adult ADHD

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobehavioral disorder that can cause physical and mental problems if left untreated. The disease could take a toll on one’s life by causing problems in relationships and at the workplace as well. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 5% of all children in the country have ADHD, and almost half of those children carry the disease to adulthood.
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Contact Lenses Suitable for Dry Eyes

Contact Lenses Suitable for Dry Eyes

Not all contact lenses are meant for dry eyes as its vital characteristic. Most of us may feel itching, stinging, or may get a burning sensation as the most common eye problems. All those suffering from these problems try to adapt themselves to a normal daily routine as everyone else does.
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An Overview of Essential Vitamins and Their Purpose

An Overview of Essential Vitamins and Their Purpose

The path to a healthy and energetic life is known to all but very few can follow all the “rules” of consuming a balanced diet, regular physical exercise and sleeping properly. If you are worried about feeling a lack of energy throughout the day and feel drowsy even after a good night’s sleep, chances are that you have vitamin deficiency in your body, which can be fulfilled by none other than the vitamins for energy.
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6 Effective Ways for Severe Pain Management

6 Effective Ways for Severe Pain Management

Severe pain management can be quite difficult when not on medication. Alternate therapy involves procedures which are in contrast to the procedures normally used to treat a condition. Chronic pain is often administered through the use of opioids. The problem with opioids is that they are addictive and contribute to an average of over 100 deaths on a daily basis in the country alone.
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