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Buying a 1969 Camaro

Buying a 1969 Camaro

Are you a complete vintage car enthusiast? Do you love the look and the classic, old-world feel of the older generation cars? Are you especially into the sporty, racing models like the Chevrolet Camaro? Well, the first generation models of that car, which came out in the years between 1967 and 1969, are a real American classic.
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Best reasons to choose a claw-foot tub

Best reasons to choose a claw-foot tub

Clawfoot tubs made originally from cast iron and porcelain lining was considered a luxury bathroom necessity in the late 19th century. Height wise, these are big tubs that require a lot of water. When you plan to remodel your bathroom, clawfoot tubs are one of the best picks that would suit your bathroom.
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Bed bugs problems and treatment

Bed bugs problems and treatment

Bed bugs are these small, almost like a mustard seed like oval, brownish insects which survive on the blood of humans or animals. Nymphs (immature bed bugs) usually shed five times of their skin to reach adulthood and they require copious amounts of blood before each shedding. They can’t fly but can move around the floor, ceiling, and walls at a very fast speed.
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Causes and symptoms of chronic heart failure

Causes and symptoms of chronic heart failure

Heart failure is a condition when the heart is not able to optimally function and thus unable to pump blood properly. Heart diseases such as coronary artery disease or high blood pressure can make the heart muscles weak and damaged. But what is chronic heart failure? Chronic heart failure is ongoing as opposed to acute heart failure that may occur suddenly.
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Basics of heartburn

Basics of heartburn

Regardless of what the name suggests, heartburn is not at all medically related to any part of the heart. Heartburn is a rather common condition caused as a result of acidic activities in the stomach. Some symptoms of heartburn, however, are pretty identical to those of a heart disease. Heartburn is caused as a result of the forceful movement of the stomach contents and the stomach acids being pushed back into the esophagus.
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Causes and diagnosis of itchy skin

Causes and diagnosis of itchy skin

Itchy skin causes immense irritation, and is accompanied by rashes and redness. This irritation forces you to scratch your skin that worsens the situation. Irritated skin accompanied by an uncontrollable itch is known as Pruritus. There are a number of causes of itchy skin. These can range from something ordinary, like a rash, to something serious, like kidney failure.
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