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Foods to Eat and Avoid if You have Chrons Disease

Crohn’s disease is an increasingly common inflammatory bowel disease that causes symptoms like persistent diarrhea, rectal bleeding, stomach pain, bloating, and gastritis and so on. It is a chronic lifestyle disease that is idiopathic in origin. While modern medications do contribute towards the alleviation of some of the symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease, the fact remains that this is a lifestyle-related condition that is best managed by adopting appropriate diet and lifestyle routines.

Foods to Eat and Avoid if You have Chrons Disease

Most people who suffer from Crohn’s disease have specific trigger foods that can be directly correlated to an aggravation of symptoms. While these trigger foods may vary from individual to individual, it has generally been seen that the following foods are likely to trigger or aggravate the condition:

  • Fiber-rich foods
  • fruits with seeds
  • caffeine
  • acidic foods
  • nuts and whole grain cereals
  • dairy products, in those who are lactose intolerant
  • wheat based products in those who are already sensitive to gluten
  • insoluble fiber-rich foods
  • whole wheat and whole grain cereals
  • fatty and cured meats like bacon
  • carbonated beverages and alcohol
  • rye, barley

Most nutritionists recommend a low residue diet plan for those with Crohn’s disease. Such meal plans ensure that the person gets adequate calories and nutrients with the least amount of roughage so that the undigested solid waste to be eliminated is kept to the minimum. When a person has a flare-up, even consumption of raw vegetable or fruits with the skin can cause severe pain or diarrhea.

It is recommended that one opts for rice-based foods, rice noodles and pasta over whole wheat or whole meals bread. Well cooked or steamed vegetable is recommended especially for vegetables like carrots.

Some oily fish like tuna may actually help alleviate symptoms, but this is highly individual specific and may not work for all. Eggs are an easily digested protein source while oatmeal can also be used as a good breakfast option. Soups using well-cooked vegetables are recommended. Fruits like bananas and papayas are also easy to digest and can be included.

The content of the articles discussing symptoms, treatments, health conditions, and side effects is solely intended for informational purposes. It is imperative that readers do not interpret the information provided on the website as professional advice. Readers are requested to use their discretion and refrain from treating the suggestions or opinions provided by the writers and editors as medical advice. It is important to seek the help of licensed and expert healthcare professionals when necessary.
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