A brief overview of osteoporosis
Your body can be prone to conditions that are usually silent and do not give out any symptoms in the beginning. One such area could be your bones; the reason being that bones are one of the strongest parts of the human body and are not susceptible to complications that easily. However, your bones and joints can undergo many such silent complications and of the most intricate among them could be a condition known as osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease, which affects the quality of the bones and makes them brittle. In many cases, people are completely unaware that their bones are prone to fractures and breakages. Your lifestyle can be the biggest risk factor apart from your dietary habits in increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Your low physical inactivity and calcium intake can also add up to the risk. The symptoms can resemble a normal joint pain, and many people tend to ignore the facts. Symptoms can also include severe pain and stiffness of the joints, muscle weakness, and swelling. Also, your range of motions can be severely curtailed and you might be experiencing constant pain while you perform an activity. Consult your physician immediately if you experience such symptoms.
Even though there are many medical breakthroughs, the fact remains that there is no exact cure available for osteoporosis. The treatment plans aim to curb the pain in your joints and to increase the mobility in your joints. The plan also depends on how far the condition has advanced. A complete treatment plan should include a focus on proper nutrition, dietary habits, lifestyle changes and safety factor. There can be some medications that can take care of your pain and your swelling of the joints. You might even be asked to go on a physiotherapy treatment that channels your movement and reduces the pain. In more advanced cases, surgery of the joints can be performed.
Your age too plays a major role in the treatment plans and not every treatment plan is be suitable for everyone. The best way to minimize your chances of osteoporosis is to avoid them at early stages. Have an exercise and dietary pattern and stick to it. Your bones will stop natural frequent replacements after you attain the age of 40. Hence ensure that your body and your bones get the calcium nutrients as per your age. Apart from this, enrich your diet with omega-3 fatty acids and proteins. You can even take these in supplement forms after consulting with your physician.